CollegeBound Foundation
Program Accomplishments for the 2022-2023 Academic Year:
CollegeBound Specialists worked in 17 Baltimore City public high schools: Academy for College & Career Exploration, Achievement Academy, Baltimore Polytechnic, Benjamin Franklin High School, Carver Vo-Tech, Coppin Academy, Frederick Douglass, Green Street Academy, Mergenthaler Vo-Tech, National Academy Foundation, New Era Academy, Reginald F. Lewis, Patterson, Paul L. Dunbar, Port Virtual School, REACH! Partnership, and Western..
Level of Program Activity for the 2022-2023 Academic Year:
- Delivered 758 college access presentations to over 8,811 students through group meetings in grades nine through twelve.
- Conducted 9,373 one on one sessions with 2,424 students to discuss college options, admissions, SAT/ACT registration and financial aid.
- In conjunction with the Guidance Department, chaperoned or sent 1,064 students on 39 college tours throughout Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic Region.
- Hosted fall college fairs and career events, enabling 2,734 students an opportunity to talk to representatives from 41 colleges and universities.
- In conjunction with the Guidance Department, hosted 76 college admissions representatives who engaged 2,387 students.
- Conducted 107 college access related workshops for 2,376 students and parents including:
- 46 Financial Aid Workshops helping 462 students (and parents) complete financial aid forms and complete scholarship searches;
- A High School Success Seminar for 528 rising 9th grade students and parents;
- A Rising Senior Seminar helping 211 students and parents get a jump-start on the final leg of the college access process.
- Distributed 251 Black College Common Application fee waivers which allows payment for 4 colleges with a value of $6,475 and 2,537 College Board college application fee waivers with a value of $78,839.
- Assisted 1,680 seniors apply to college.
- Secured acceptances for 1,510 students to a 2-year or 4-year college or university.
- Assisted 1,343 seniors complete the FAFSA.
- Assisted 856 seniors submit merit/scholarship applications resulting in awards for $85,196,371.
- Assisted 327 seniors apply for Maryland’s Guaranteed Access Grant.
Our Impact Since 1989:
- Leveraged over $61.8 million in financial aid for Last Dollar Grant recipients.
- Assisted over 96,816 students one-on-one completing college applications and finding funds to attend college.
- Provided an overview of the college access process to over 313,444 students through group presentations.
- Awarded over $7.5 million dollars in Last Dollar Grants to 2,355 scholars.